To Whom it May Concern?

What percent of the total population of Ketchum responded positively for building another low-income dwelling?

You’re misleading the public by saying 80 some precent of those responding to the questionnaire responded positively.

How do we know they represent the entire population of Ketchum?

Wouldn’t you be better off to post a survey to all the residents of Ketchum?

One “open house” and one survey is not adequate for a vote. It’s like “taxation without representation.”

It should be a vote of the public!’

Why are you attempting to build more when you can’t fill Blue Bird Village with Ketchum workers?

I’d say you’d be better off to finish one project within budget before you spend our tax dollars building another!

And what about the street projects you started last year? Do you have the dollars to finish them as well as re do the sidewalks?

If you over tax the retailers and the home-owners, without allowing them adequate time to approve you won’t be representing your constituents…You’ll be dictators.

When Ketchum could fall prey to the ravages of fire like LA why aren’t you focusing on preserving our town? What have you done to protect your population?

Why are you spending our dollars frivolously?

As Peggy Noonan said in her column this week “Government on whatever level, exists first to keep citizens and their property safe. That’s the bottom line: keeping people and what they have in one piece. Safe from fire and from crime, safe within a criminal-justice system that works, a clean water system, sufficient police. It’s hard to do these primary things, hard to see to them every day and improve them whenever possible. It takes concentration and focus.

We, the population, should not be caught short handed because of your needs or some advising company that doesn’t live here?

Worried in Ketchum!

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Barbara you are preaching to the converted. Please share your thoughts with particpate@ketchumidaho.org and they will go to the Council. Thanks!

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I did! Thanks

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I made several comments in the comp plan regarding the city’s false claims to care about families and essential workers. In addition, the false claims to care about local culture (as evidenced by the closing of bookstores accompanied by the opening of chain stores).

I’m planning to finish slogging through the plan this weekend. I’m curious to know what their plan is for making sure council members and mayor will be reading the public comments (within the doc) in a systematic way.

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Read the article written about Aspen.

We are definitely following that trend.

We would like to reoccupy ketchum.

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Roger Marolt's opinion article is very relatable...

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