I agree whole heartedly with the comment below from Heather Lauer. I too want to Thank you for your newsletters informing us on the direction our city is trying to force us to take. We have written a couple of letters now to the city opposing the LOT tax increase and the very flawed approach to workforce housing based on your informative newsletters. We can only hope that with your efforts and others we will see some common sense soon. Thank-you!

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Aug 18Liked by Perry Boyle

Hi Perry. I’m the new chair of the Blaine County GOP and I just want to say THANK YOU for your tireless efforts to report on housing issues in our valley. I look forward to your newsletters, and I appreciate the amount of time and effort you put into providing thoughtful and well-researched information to the public on this issue that our entire county is facing - an issue does not get enough attention. You’re fixing that. Keep it up!!!

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Based on this evening's City Council meeting, housing priorities seem to be all over the place. Emotional distractions and decision making uncertainties abound. To assist clarity, a Litmus Test is urgently needed.

To clear away an important ambiguity, we need to start with the definition of "workforce" to mean "active workforce" (or an"engaged workforce")--this moves us from continued taxpayer subsidization of former housing-subsidized workers including those who have retired. To ignore this simple clarification is to invite Ketchum and the surrounding area to become a welfare village ; one lacking contributors to the economic vitality of the overall community. It's tough love.

The Litmus Test assumes that the essential mandate of civic government is to insure public safety in all its dimensions.

Affordable housing therefore would recognize this rank-order for accessing such housing:

First responders


Fire Authority

Law Enforcement


Critical Service Personnel

Above list +

Essential Governance


These are essential survival and quality of life urgent services.

Once the affordable housing supply satisfies the above we can focus on accommodating Mental Health , education, and part-time service personnel., etc. It's important that other urgent appeals not supersede this rank-order through "balancing" until first-order priorities are satisfied.

As this decision matrix is embedded it is important also that the quality of decision making is reflected in the Council's visible pride in representing community interests. This includes dress, speaking articulation, microphone skills and posture. You only get one chance to make a good first impression. Showing you care builds community confidence in decisions.

Its not a perfect world but we can certainly make it much better.

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If you want a model for socialism you have moved to the right place. Next it will be greetings which start with “Welcome Comrade” and elected council members will now be Commissars. Read you history!



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How do we go about recalling the mayor? He clearly is not being transparent or representing a majority view on policy or programs, continues to mismanage capital projects ( the road works is a mess) and overall is a poor executor of his responsibilities!

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The mayor, along with the other two, need to be recalled. Before our very eyes, Ketchum is being dramatically impacted. There are lots and lots of complaints and criticisms, meanwhile the Troika just keeps on doing as they see fit. While we complain, the Town continues to be damaged, much of which is not reversible. We could wait until November and remove several Council members. However, the damage will continue. My answer would be to start a recall petition and aggressively gather signatures - the point being to let the Council conclusively know that what they are doing is not supported by the electorate. Should they continue in face of the petition, then legal action must be taken. Otherwise, we are all just fiddling whilst Rome burns.

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The next election for Mayor/Council is not this November, it is November 2025.

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100% agree…seems there is already 650+ who would sign! Mayor never had a mandate when elected to do what he is doing…it is really unbelievable…I think this is why people lose confidence and trust in government!

Ketchum is a wonderful town and clearly needs to have good roads, infrastructure, housing, schools and opportunities for all who have and want to make this their home…it a great place to visit and stay…all one is asking is for a balance and managed approached to growth which recognises the history and benefits of living and working in a small mountain town. The citizens are being railroaded with box construction and prime real estate being highjacked for “affordable housing” when in fact not enough due diligence and options are bing explored and debated which could have a net positive outcome for all stakeholders! Bring it on..recall…recall…

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

Hi Perry, To be clear, it's the first reading of the Ordinance, but they are only voting to put it on the ballot right? At least there is more time to publicize it by then.

You've said the Mountain Express doesn't publish the opposition? Should we flood the letters to the editor all saying the same thing? Will they publish that?

What about that other paper in town? Can you publish in there?

What is the excuse that's been given for ignoring the two thousand signatures about the parking situation?

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