I don't know the answer. You could ask at participate@ketchumidaho.org

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I'm already drafting an email to them. The thing I want to know is how does bringing semi high end chain stores and plopping them down on MAIN STREET, do a single thing to bring "VIBRANCY" to the community? How on earth does it benefit locals? How on earth is it in keeping with the small town character of Ketchum? Baffles the mind.

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We are calling all business owners to this meeting on Dec 4

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Julie - glad KBAC is organizing a meeting. Does KBAC have any sort of website or place to follow you? I am not a business owner but I fully support your efforts.

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Hi Annie-thank you for supporting the Ketchum Business Advisory Coaltin (KBAC) as we work with the City on their policies and directives that impact local businesses. Our website is ketchumbusiness.org. We hope you can join us on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd at 4:30pm at The Argyros-we'll be discussing parking option #6, and the funding model to create parking infrastructure at the Washington St. lot.

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I got the date wrong.

Dec 3rd

Yes KBAC has a website Ketchumbusiness.org

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Perry, not to beat a dead horse but I'd feel remiss if I didn't add a fourth category of destruction to the three mentioned in the second paragraph of #3 in my previous comment: Environmental. At this rate, climate change will eventually eliminate the snow pack in Idaho. It may not happen in your lifetime (or it might...you can time neither the market nor Gaia) but soon or later it will happen.

The more than occasional pollyannish talk about Resiliency at our gatherings will be rendered both mute and moot at the rate things are going. A small resort town economy in Idaho is especially vulnerable, clearly, but we can take comfort in the fact that we are not alone. There's no place to hide from climate change on this little planet. It's more a question of what kind of localized demography is likely to suffer less than another type of local demography.

The best we can do is slow it down until the growth economies transition to more modest, circular economies that can be managed on a localized basis in ways more commensurate with their particular needs. At the moment, Ketchum City Hall is just an extension of a way of life driven by priorities fuel by a much larger momentum. To be a quasi-intellectual wanker about it, they are atmospheric and contextual; they are not conspiratorial, much as social media and our next so-called president and his merry band of cocksure snowflakes would have us believe. The priorities are integrated into the DNA of our socioeconomic reality. It's obviously not working very well, either, and it's also bitterly ironic because it didn't have be this way.

Four more years of the execrable and inimitable Dorito Boy fomenting chaos and incompetence in the White House is a symptom not a cause. That white-boy is just another tool in the shed, and just another brick in the wall. He's a blunt instrument and so are the people who are making decisions in Ketchum's City Hall. To be fair, all of us are up to our necks in it. To think otherwise is more or less an exercise in bad faith and living in a realm of false promises. They don't call it "trickle-down" economics for nothing, eh?

In politics, being deceived is no excuse.** Stay focused on first principles and go forward from there. Don't underestimate the power of adding environmental damage to your quiver, Perry. Over time, the potency of that argument is destined to become immensely and inexorably tractable.

**Leslek Kolakowski

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Perry et al., I note the subhead "This is how things work in autocracies, not in small communities in the US". It leads me to say the following:

1. File a lawsuit? Yes, by all means possible and as quickly as possible. As you frame up your arguments, do so in such a way that they also apply to the relevant state statutes that permitted the metastasis of the problem in the first place. You'll raise the visibility of the issue and possibly bring in more firepower from other communities.

2. Any momentum you gain will be enhanced by making sure there is a steady feed of information to Idaho journalists who are sympathetic to your cause.

3. Don't wait. The clock is ticking and City Hall will be motivated to get shovels in the ground before you can get a judge to put a stay on the next Bluebird project.

What's happening to resort towns in Idaho is a result of state government overreach. Ironically, it contradicts what was once a fundamental tenet of the Republican Party, a belief in downsizing government in the name of efficiency. This is unjustly intrusive and discriminatory. The ratio of short-term housing in resort towns is disproportionately destructive to the social, economic and infrastructural well-being of communities that are highly dependent on tourism.

A vacancy tax, a limit on the total number of short-term rentals (based on the total number of dwellings in each resort community), business and tax requirements commensurate with LLC's, ...all of this could be on the table. In the best of all possible worlds, worker housing would be integrated and distributed throughout the community, not concentrated in comparatively massive blocks of sequestered apartments that will eventually contribute to the WRV feeling like a typical, quasi-suburban American hell-hole with a highway running through it.

Bradshaw and his myopic little band are not listening to the people they are meant to serve and protect because they can do so with impunity. They do not care what you think because they don't need to. KURA is a logical extension of state policies and a system of taxation that have rationalized and codified the inability of small resort towns to control their own affairs.

It's laissez-faire thinking run amok and it's largely market-driven. Elevate your game and go for the jugular. It's in Boise, not with the local small time cretinous "power brokers" in City Hall.

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When Mr. Fitzgerald came in red hot and hyper-aggressively providing all the answers to Perry and us hayseeds in his posts on Issue #47 addressing the lies, deceit, and false narratives constructed by the corrupt local establishment around the deceptively labeled housing "crisis," I was intrigued. His tone softened as he became more comfortable and Perry did nothing to dissuade his participation in the conversation about the corruption and incompetence of local government, their malignant growth agenda mirroring perfectly the insidious exertion of power by the fascist oligarchs on the right owning the extremist (MAGA) movement and associated agenda intended to destroy the institutions of our government predicated on rule of law, exploiting the engineering for half a century of the most extreme wealth and income inequality in human history in an attempt to acquire absolute power. Sexual assault now apparently a prerequisite for cabinet appointments in the new administration. Locally, Blaine County Dems Moscow Mitch Republicans, at best.

FYI Andrew, BC Dems (DINOs) have for a couple of decades consistently used a pattern of resignations and appointments to secure and consolidate their own absolute power over the agenda, those appointees never having to win an initial election thereby granted the insurmountable advantage of incumbency in a place where most elections find voter turnout well below 50%.

Recently, BC Dems actively recruited the mayor of Bellevue to run for County Commissioner against an individual they themselves had appointed because she was not entirely willing to mindlessly promote the malignant growth agenda of real estate and resort interests. Her recent support of illegal (Dual Path Mandate) retention and expansion agenda of an airport for which a decision was made for relocation in 2006 by officials with integrity to protect the health, safety, and welfare of working citizens living across the street, suggests she also hasn't the fortitude to resist the authoritarian agenda of the billionaire class and economic aristocracy traveling in their private jets. With perhaps more than half of those citizens being poisoned and terrorized by airport operations just across the street being brown, it begs the question whether this institutionalized injustice is environmental racism, environmental classism, or both. The following paragraph from an op-ed I wrote primarily about the incompatibility of democracy and capitalism which will never be published.

"This illegal airport retention and expansion in Blaine County is a response to the billionaire class and economic aristocracy in their private jets refusing to be inconvenienced by the additional twenty or thirty minutes of ground travel which would result from relocation, while aggressively demanding an additional Fixed Base Operation (FBO) to service their Gulfstreams because they believe the existing FBO, Atlantic Aviation, has exploited a monopoly position and is making them pay too much for Jet-A fuel despite their being able to write it all off on their taxes, cry me a river. This righteous indignity expressed by billionaires toward monopolies while such monopolies and the abandonment of monitoring and enforcement of anti-trust, SEC, tax, and most other financial regulation has delivered massive mountains of unearned investment income into their bottomless pockets. Craven hypocrisy now simply another privilege of entitlement."

It pleased me Perry finally had another "smart guy" joining the conversation, this "quasi-intellectual wanker" exhibiting a modicum self-awareness with some of his language, at least to my ear, echoing the rooms of recovery. Upon returning from Vietnam and experiencing the unpleasantness stateside, my father signed on for a tour as liaison officer in Dorset, England, where they were developing the Chieftain Tank. I was in boarding school (Lord of the Flies entirely plausible) and soon recognized I was not one of the "smart guys." They were being interviewed on break by folks from Oxford and Cambridge.

No one appreciates Perry's "smart-guy," deep-dive into the details while presenting facts and evidence exposing local corruption and incompetence than me. But his focus is primarily on north valley where HE lives. Andrew, 90% of working citizens in our fair valley live to south. Hard to believe, but Hailey has been far more severely impacted by this malignant growth agenda than Ketchum. A "rubber-stamp" analysis and review process for real estate development with de facto waiver of impact fees for developers has produced MASSIVE future unfunded liabilities that have put this much larger city and its working taxpayers in deepening financial peril. Hailey does not have the considerable LOT revenues much smaller Ketchum relies on to construct a budget.

The engineer of this looming financial catastrophe in Hailey is a Ketchum Community Development employee who was run out of Ketchum and hired without a legitimate HR process by a dim, trust-fund, local attorney who grew up in the privileged environs of the north valley. She has now been elevated to City Administrator where she is hell-bent on doing even more damage. With the recent Flying Hat annexation proposal I strongly believe the City of Hailey is a financial train wreck still in motion, the City Administrator working and scheming furiously (HURA) in an attempt to keep it that way, because if it stops the financial carnage will finally be clearly revealed with Hailey's financial solvency severely compromised, and perhaps imminent bankruptcy inevitable without an endless cascade of levies.

A couple of unanswered questions regarding this imminent Flying Hat disaster because the local paper does not do journalism. First, has Spencer Eccles separated the water right from this property being converted to residential? This would leave Hailey soon to be short on both paper rights as well as sufficient water supplies for existing development and that already approved yet to be built. Second, is the Hailey City Administrator rushing Oppenheimer's development proposal through yet another illegitimate, accelerated, and abbreviated process by the end of the year in an effort to MINIMIZE THE TAX LIABILITIES FOR THE DEVELOPER on property long receiving an agricultural exemption being converted to residential? This exact same motive (capitalized above) why Quigley and Sunbeam were both rushed through corrupted analysis and review processes at the beginning of the calendar year.

Government up and down the valley clearly working exclusively for moneyed interests rather than the best interests of taxpaying citizens.

Why is that?!

Andrew Fitzgerald is on the other side of the world, and yet he can divine the truth no one around here will identify.

"He's (Bradshaw) a very small cog in a larger framework of thinking."

Brad Little and his merry band of self-satisfied, cocksure, pin-headed, patriarchal, ideologically-driven pinheads."

"A kind of cabal of power brokers who are pro big (malignant) development and growth."

BINGO ANDREW!!! A vertically integrated retrograde culture of malign influence by a tax-exempt corporation out of Utah now owns the malignant growth agenda contaminating the Intermountain West. The blueprint for this malignant growth agenda destroying our fair valley is straight out of Washington County, Utah, which will prove the greatest residential disaster in the history of the West if the Navajos are returned the Colorado River water to which their treaty entitles them, which will never happen because the SCOTUS is now just a tired exercise in white, corporate, Christian Nationalism.

"White Flight," this time those with sufficient resources not seeking refuge by moving from cities to suburbs, but instead from blue states with diverse populations to predominately white states in the Intermountain West promoting unsustainable malignant residential development. A million or two for a residence among your fellow Caucasian Christians with brown people who know their place building and servicing it all. You know, doing the "black jobs."

Another astute observation Andrew, was your questioning of the viability of a ski resort in this neck of the woods about which I have been commenting for a few years now. The following paragraph in a recent email sent to Perry.

"The pathological dishonesty of the ownership and publisher of the local paper is truly astounding, as is the absurd cheer-leading for a ski resort that will never be able to overcome its elevation deficiencies in the age of irreversible climate change. No investors with half a brain will ever pay the big bucks for an asset with such massive risk."

And finally Andrew, kudos for yet another accurate observation. That unless you can hire an army of attorneys you can't do a bloody thing about any of it. Two-hundred-million dollars in legal fees delivered a serial felony criminal to the Presidency, You see, the system works!

I don't believe Perry has replaced me at the top of the black list of the corrupt local establishment, but I appreciate his hard work toward that end!

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Perry - How on earth did a "Johnny Was" and "Faherty" store get approved in Ketchum? Are those part of the KURA project? (i.e. 'commercial investment in the commercial core'?"). Was City Council responsible for any of that? Sincere question.

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we need a parking structure , plain and simple , there is no other place to put one, plenty of other spaces for bluebirds.

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That’s what I said a year ago at the Mountain Express candidate event when I ran for council. But that conclusion is based on analysis while the city is run based on narrative. I was chastised for prioritizing cars over people as if that is the choice in front of us. As you rightfully point out, that is a false choice. We can have both, in their proper places. Thanks.

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lets hope the “powers at be” have the maturity to see what is actually beneficial to ketchum and pivot their plans , providing a laughable “non” survey that only serves their rigid self mandate for bluebirds AND disregarding public sentiment does not seem very mature, and super short sighted

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The KABC meeting on December 3rd might also be a good opportunity to organize a recall or discuss some legal options that would result in a pause.

With regard to survey's, I never got one about doing the project at that location. It would be interesting to see the results of that survey.

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Hi Kevin-this spring, KBAC discussed a recall of several local elected officials, and ultimately decided it was not the best course of action for our group to take the lead on at this time. The good news is that any citizen can initiate a recall. A great first step is to contact the Idaho Secretary of State's office to learn what State statutes require to begin recall action.

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