Mar 26Liked by Perry Boyle

Thank you Perry for bringing up some possible shady trading in our community.

I think there has been some hanky panky real estate deals that have gone since the economic crash in 2006. Real estate dealers and city officials may be thick as thieves. They may be the ones selling out our community. This needs to be looked into.

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I got a question about who runs KCDC. From their website:

Charles Friedman, Board President and Executive Director

James Sattler, Secretary

Travis Jones, Treasurer

Courtney Hamilton, Ex Officio Board Member representing City of Ketchum

They haven't posted their finances in four years, and even the 2019 filing looks a bit suspect to me (I don't see they are accounting for their ownership interest in Northwood Place).

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Many people are not aware of the large parcel of land that is in City Limits owned by Sun Valley Co. by River Run. Thank you for bringing up that option up at the P&Z meeting yesterday. The city leaders of Ketchum and Sun Valley need to get their act together and build some affordable housing there. Otherwise , SV will build a hotel or more condos which we don’t really need at this time in my opinion. A perfect location, close to town but not in the city center. Other people have suggested putting the parking lot there and running shuttles into town , ridiculous in my mind!

Thanks for the bumper sticker!

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Wow, I'm shocked. I was still under the impression that this housing was only for critical workers: police and fire, hospital workers, teachers, shopkeepers, etc. The idea that it is for retirees is mind-blowing. There is no universe in which we should be subsidizing a person's ability to retire in an expensive ski town. And the fact that once you're qualified by income, you're in for life? That is ripe for shenanigans causing undesired outcomes. We need to fix this mess before it's too late.

And regardless what you think of short term vacation rentals, the state thought it was clear when it said they could not be restricted. Apparently there are some like you who believe there are conditions under which they can restricted, but I read that the legislature is working on tightening that up even more so it will not be possible. But i still contend that nobody is buying places to vacation rent for profit; it's just not possible given the cost vs rent numbers. But I'm not sure the numbers work for long term either given current pricing. People could be buying for price appreciation speculation, but I suspect the majority of them are people who want to use the place parts of the year or when they retire.

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Sue, thanks for the comments. Yes, the Mayor lied about Bluebird 1. There is a "local preference"-including a preference for local retirees! But the preference is just that. It can only break a tie.

As for being able to limit STRs, here is the law as written:


(1) Neither a county nor a city may enact or enforce any ordinance that has the express or practical effect of prohibiting short-term rentals or vacation rentals in the county or city. A county or city may implement such reasonable regulations as it deems necessary to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare in order to protect the integrity of residential neighborhoods in which short-term rentals or vacation rentals operate. A short-term rental or vacation rental shall be classified as a residential land use for zoning purposes subject to all zoning requirements applicable thereto.

(2) Neither a county nor a city can regulate the operation of a short-term rental marketplace.

Idaho Code § 67-6539

You are correct that the right wing of the Republican party would like to withdraw even those limited controls.

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Mar 27Liked by Perry Boyle

I think it's a losing battle at the city level, but maybe new development projects, in order to get exemptions to zoning codes to build, which it seems they all are getting, could be required to have CC&R's that limit rentals.

"The following are examples of rules that are Not enforceable by an HOA:

Restrictions on rentals to properties without the agreement in writing of a property owner, Unless the restriction is in the covenants, conditions, and restrictions signed when the property is purchased, then they remain valid and enforceable."

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Totally brilliant analysis,,,you nailed and explained every point,,, am spreading this piece all over town, Brenda Norton

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Brenda—thank you! Tell me where to send your bumper sticker.

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Limiting or eliminating short term rentals seems like low hanging fruit at zero taxpayer cost (excepting a few homeowners).

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The City Council claims they are unable to limit short term rentals due to state statute. However, that is a lack of courage on their part, as the statute permits the limitation of STRs to protect neighborhood integrity. If the Mayor and Council were representing Ketchum, one would think they would give that a shot. However, given that they have not even made an attempt, you have to ask why not?

This is one of the key pieces of evidence that they are trying to Aspenize Ketchum by turning it into a place where the only housing is for rich people and people who work for rich people are housed in public housing, with the maximum amount of tourists in the rest.

We have to judge them by their actions rather than their rhetoric

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Local Law 18 in NYC is a good precedent for local vs state law on this issue - agree that if there was interest this could be easily pursued. It's hard to imagine any community is improved by the presence of short term rentals so there would be a double benefit.

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