As always Perry, thank you for your brilliant analysis.

By identifying the cascade of failures you so clearly identify as a "housing crisis" the corrupt local establishment is better able to sell public subsidy (corporate welfare) of resort employers. This while most available rentals have been converted to STRs to the benefit of tourism at the expense of available housing for the workforce. If it is a "crisis" they are better able to disguise and attempt to distance themselves from the corruption and incompetence attached to the aggressive execution of their malignant growth agenda.

It will be interesting to see what happens if it does not snow this winter, though some have said "El Nina" promises an abundance of precipitation. The question is will it be frozen or liquid. A ski resort on mountain with a base elevation of 6K feet and a peak elevation of 9K is inevitabley doomed in the age of irrevesible climate change. They always project 2050 and the end of the century for such dramatic changes. I predict the end of this decade, as scientists without an agenda suggest an accelerated climate change process, a "snowball effect" so to speak, but on Baldy without the snow.

I'm outta here for a while, in a better place not caring much about what happens around here anymore and also avoiding the intensifying election hysteria.

Again Perry, we need the smart ones like you volunteering to hold a mirror up to the moneyed-interest insanity which the corrupt local establishment attempts unsuccessfully to medicate with relentless virtue-signaling and green-washing because legitmate planning for growth, accountability, and transparency are too difficult. The local establishment is identical to one of the the presidential candidates and his VP, they just make $h!t up, and everyone goes along because it is apparently too much work for them to inform their opinions, and as you relentlessly expose, the facts just don't matter!

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So, SV is "inevitably doomed" due to climate change? I think that you already know that SV has the most extensive snow making capability of any resort in the world? And that SV has survived remarkably well since it's founding over 75 years ago?

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