
I wrote ISSUE #40 in a bit of a hurry (I'm in Ukraine for a couple of weeks). I should have noted that when the City does employ analysis, it is often after the fact, or is, to use a technical term, garbage.

For example, they just paid a consultant to tell them to put up a Bluebird on the Y parking lot and another one at Lift Tower Lodge. They had already decided that months and months ago (see prior Council presentations). This was a total waste of our money designed to put lipstick on their pig of a housing program.

Along the same lines, BCHA, which is the exact same thing as the Ketchum Housing Department (same staff, same leader), paid for a study they call the "nexus study," which is a statistical and analytical embarrassment, full of literally made-up numbers. It is another study designed to justify their narrative rather than to optimize the allocation of scarce taxpayer resources.

The Mayor is a very smart guy. He has a master's degree in engineering along with an MBA. He was a Wall Street Analyst before moving to Idaho for the good life. He rose up the ranks to be Global Head of Utilities Research for JP Morgan--a big job. He knows how to do this stuff right. The fact that they don't do the work is either dereliction or mendacity.

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Oct 2Liked by Perry Boyle

Perry, again spot on! The city has proven their incompetency time and time again. Almost every project that they’ve taken on has been over budget and behind schedule but they continue to bully forward. Clearly, a recall is a challenge, but all citizens of Ketchum should vote in the future for change that benefits the locals and help preserve the character of town while at the same time, managing growth and tourism consistent with these values. Creating win-win solutions that benefit current and future residents and visitors can be mutually inclusive.

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Oct 2Liked by Perry Boyle

Hello Perry

A friend of yours, Rob Irwin, turned me on to to your columns. I have been part of the community out there for 40 plus years, but have generally stayed out of the fray. I'm also a planner in Berryville Va, and have been chair of the local Planning Commission for a long time. I cannot argue with any of your suggestions, and I'm surprised you haven't raised a groundswell of people going "WTF"....

Nice job, and I'm also glad I'm not under your microscope!

All the best and keep it up!


Thanks so much George Ohrstrom

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Thank you!

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For what it is worth, I just got back from a 4 day trip to Ketchum. My permanent residence is in MV. I randomly ran into a few old friends in a few places and had ad hoc discussions with people I did not know at a couple of restaurants. The subject of what's going on in Ketchum came up in every conversation and all of them were dissapointed with our leaders. Perry has more data than anyone in Ketchum related to all key decisions being bade by the City.

Any chance we can take this energy to some volunteers on this blog, map out a plan for how we can drive some change prior to the elections and get something going? My biggest fear, is that the Mayor will pull another fast one for the election; stealing votes from a candidate that should win by inserting other people. He will probably encourage the same for the people running for council.

I think everyone on the blog has enough of an opinion, that the city is not making the right decisions and will not change their direction. It's time we move into the next phase and take them on. I'm willing to help

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What about the list of potential housing sites in a recent issue of the Mt Express?. It appears Ketchum has backed up and are getting input. Is your blog making a difference and this is a real attempt to find out what people want? Or is this just an illusion of choice?

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I write the blog to offer a different perspective and to get people involved. The housing study was a sham. As is clear from multiple housing department presentations, the city had picked those sites before hiring a consultant to justify them. Don’t believe me? Ask the Y. They didn’t even bother to look at all city owned land. They presented no alternatives of what could be higher and better use of sites like the loft tower lodge.

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