Clearly one one of the core competencies of the City is dealing with consulting contracts. Is it possible to do an FOIA request for a summary and total of all consulting and expert contracts over the past few years? It seems the Administration uses consultants and contractors to hide information and to justify decisions that they want to make or made.
Suzanne meets monthly with these groups. FOIA request any and all meeting notes, including “live spreadsheets”, meeting minutes, all emails for the referenced projects, etc…I assume you started with any and all legal instruments. It is paramount to have any ordinances, statutes, laws, and any/all legal documents pertaining to/and how the aforementioned were created and what they were created for. Feel free to email me.
Clearly one one of the core competencies of the City is dealing with consulting contracts. Is it possible to do an FOIA request for a summary and total of all consulting and expert contracts over the past few years? It seems the Administration uses consultants and contractors to hide information and to justify decisions that they want to make or made.
Good point. Thanks.
For the resignations of the Troika, and replacements with integrity supporting accountability and transparency in government.
Biggest concern are the empty beds in Ketchum many run by the BCHA. And of course the government.
3 in the KECH building sitting vacant since May.
2 in Jack's new place, still vacant.
60% of Bluebird
When can working locals be housed here?
Suzanne meets monthly with these groups. FOIA request any and all meeting notes, including “live spreadsheets”, meeting minutes, all emails for the referenced projects, etc…I assume you started with any and all legal instruments. It is paramount to have any ordinances, statutes, laws, and any/all legal documents pertaining to/and how the aforementioned were created and what they were created for. Feel free to email me.