We all want events, especially ones like the World Cup that are so much a part of our culture. Big event take a lot of planning and you are right on with your observations Perry. This is a huge commitment from the city and it needs to be done in a professional manner in which all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed to be successful for all. And with success comes more opportunities. Without doing it right, well...remember MASSV.

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I was trying to remember the name of that event. Do you remember how many people attended?

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Sep 26·edited Sep 29

I don't. I was referencing the event because the city agreed to co-sponsor the 2 day music festival. The city agreed to waive the $450 application fee, provide power on Main Street, provide in-kind services including resources from the fire, police, street and parks departments at no charge and add the festival onto the city's insurance policy. Unfortunately there was an accident where one of the private security personnel hired by MASSV got hurt by a festival participant when he fell off the roof of the Casino. Due to a "clerical error" the incident was not insured. Lawsuits were filed and it took 4 years before it was finally settled out of court.

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Perry- I respect your input and involvement. I 100% support the World Cup and I support the involvement of the City and local infrastructure. I believe the people of the valley will step up and contribute and make this event the best ever in the Wood River Valley. Yes, there will be traffic problems and there will be some bumps in the process. In 2007 we had 3000 firefighters mobilize in a weeks' time with no prior planning and the community stepped up and all managed the inconvenience. We need to support the Sun Valley Company and their commitment to host this event. I will be volunteering and will support any of my staff who wants time off to help out or attend. Let's show the world who we are and step up to the plate and assist.

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I have no problem with community support for the World Cup. I have a problem with the lack of competent planning and an open-ended Ketchum checkbook for the for-profit companies running the show. I hope a particular one of your employees will take you up on your generous offer!

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I would love to know your reasons.

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I’m not sure how you’re getting the portapotty calculator you linked to give that 1000+ number. It does seem like the 28 they have in their little pitch deck isn’t enough but obviously you don’t need 1 port-a-potty for every 10 people.

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You are right. I should have applied more common sense. Probably 1 per hundred is fine.

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