I read that plan and am just as confused.

HOwever, no where in there is an update to ebike abuses.

Everyone on an ebike needs to have a drivers permit.

End of discussion.

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The fact that the word "e-bike" shows up with only a single mention contributed to my terming the plan as a "joke." While there was some discussion about e-bikes during the Council meeting, no direction was provided to the staff on doing anything about them.

This is another example of how, under Mayor Bradshaw, much of Ketchum's governance is form over substance. Adopt a plan you have no intention of upholding, and ignore the e-bike elephant in the room. Classic.

This kind of performative government is the norm for anything other than development in Ketchum, at which the Council is very proficient.

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Hi Perry, Thank you for All your comments and Contribution to our community. I just want to let folks know there is a Huge difference with "Peddle Assist" Bikes and "Throttle E-Bikes" - the latter are more like scooters/mini-bike motorcycles and Go way faster and frankly on some bike paths (Definitely the narrower ones) dangerous - especially with 10 -12 year old kids racing and not even peddling. I ride my "Peddle Assist" bike that doesn't go over 20MPH and Averages 10-13 MPH. It disturbs me that both Technologies (totally different) are put into the Same Category. Thanks.

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Excellent point. I asked one of those kids how fast his "bike" went: 28mph! At least he had a helmet.

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I ride daily - not all kids wear helmets - I think it's important to distinguish the difference when seeing if riders are actually Peddling - or not. The kid going 28 - they go up to 30+ likely wasn't even peddling. Those are NOT Bikes. My Peddle Assist doesn't go unless 1. I'm Peddling or 2. I'm cruising down hill and it dramatically slows down like a regular bike on the flats. Thanks. And PS there are signs I saw on Lake Creek Trail "NO E-BIKES OR PEDDLE ASSIST" I agree with the E-Bike but not Peddle Assist. Until I read about possible Battery Failures (rare but possible) that can ignite fires. Good to be aware of

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