...mas tranquilo amigo, we all know Ketchum`s got money to burn!

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Ketchum has a lot of money. And a lot of debt. When Bradshaw came into office Ketchum had almost no debt. Now it has $25mm of debt. And, despite it's resources, a significant capital budget deficit. KURA's money is needed not for the housing that is not in its statutory mandate, but for the crumbling roads and sidewalks that are in its legal mandate.

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There`s a new attitude about debt. Our nation flaunts it like a badge of success.

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Kris, are you okay writing a check for $5k or $10k more per year because our local government is not fiscally responsible. I don't know what the exact number will be, but my place just got assessed for more than it's worth and they won't budge. Perry is trying to create transparancy and we need to help him with voters taking action. I'm not comfortable writing more than $1 based on a reckless government.

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I live in Hailey. I follow Ketchum`s politics to remind myself that elections matter. People need to participate and vote. You get who you vote for.

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One thing I really notice about Ketchum is the general mood of apathy toward local politics. "Mountain People" don`t vote. The "Private Idaho" syndrome prevails and if the issue can`t be bought and paid for it`s ignored behind a "No Trespassing" attitude.

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Is that different in Hailey? Look at the voter turn out and number of people who attend public meetings. How did a URA for agricultural land get by the Hailey electorate? The apathy is not just Ketchum, or Hailey--sadly it is national, as people are turned off of politics by its all or nothing nature.

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