Obviously all of the shifts within Ketchum are going in a direction that will create more change within our community and addressing these concerns is a multi-tiered issue. It would be great Perry if you would consider writing a monthly Opinion piece and submit it to the local paper, making a suggestion or two of how members of the community can make a difference, just a simple thing that if duplicated by say 50 readers, would make an impact. The newspaper is well read among the locals, and with a little nudge, you could start some grass root steps to get our town back on track. It’s not just three people killing our town, it is bigger than that, (money/lack of design review/wanting to grow but perhaps in unattractive ways) but I think you have a receptive audience who would be happy to get involved. Best, Liz Talley

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Thanks for this thoughtful comment.

I agree it is more than three people. But those three people have almost total control of the outcomes.

As for the column idea, it is a good suggestion and I will reach out to the publisher and see if she is amenable.

We are up to over 450 subscribers for this little blog, so I think your point about an audience is a valid one. Thank you!

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I read em all I love your blog

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Perry, what a pleasure it is to blow you up in the comments of your own product! Little taste of you own medicine for ya! Beating you in every election you have entered is truly an accomplishment on my resume. I like what you are doing here, and think this will be fun and this stuff needs a little fun injected into.

But BRO where are your solutions? It doesn't take more than a pulse and a heartbeat to point out everything gov does wrong. You are connected to so much money and obv have a passion, when are we going to see a project or initiative lead by you to address the housing formula you see fit? Your awareness creation here is a step in the right direction, but hardly anything to make grandma proud on her birthday! Especially for a man of your accomplishments...

Anyway that was fun, but DUDE, I motioned the expansion and incentives for L2L, not a trioka thing. It is a topic worth throwing around. Should Ketchum spend money outside its boundaries to create valley wide functionality? Its touchy with the voters, but what isn't. You get in this business half of everyone will hate you not matter what you do! So many people own businesses that are taxed in Ketchum but don't live in the city limits. My view is Ketchum is the valleys bank and it is skewed to spend all that money in our tiny jurisdiction. It's open for input.

It would be interesting to investigate the exact dollar amounts from a few businesses, and see how much is being paid in.

peace out ;)

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Maybe you could read the multiple other blog posts where I propose multiple solutions.

Here's just one. Sell the Visitor Center. Why does Ketchum own a commercial building that serves no public purpose. Use the proceeds to address the millions in deferred maintenance projects that Jade gave you at the last Council meeting.

Here's another one. Instead of letting your staff force you into developing Lift Tower Lodge into no-work required housing, sell that property and use the money to buy one of the trailer parks and then increase the density of workforce housing on that land--you could triple it. Better location for everyone. Room for parking.

Where are your ideas? What are you doing to get them implemented?

We have scarce resources. If we put them into housing transient underpaid workers for Sun Valley Co, what do we have left for teachers, healthcare workers and first responders? Why aren't we prioritizing them for our scarce housing resources?

You are sitting on a Council with terrible governance practices. To point on one specific one, how do you let Ms Connelly be on your payroll while working harder for another organization than she does for the City? You as a Council Member should do something about that.

You say you are the guy who keeps beating me in elections. Congratulations! Isn't it YOUR job to lead a housing initiative? What is your initiative? Just showing up to Council Meetings and saying we should spend more on housing with no specifics and getting nothing done isn't what you got elected to do.

Getting elected is only important if you achieve something unless you just ran for the money and health insurance. "blowing me up" doesn't do anything for anyone but your own ego. Tripp is already out ahead of you with the development curbs he proposed. Get to work.

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The city is not going to sell assets because of some planning principles which I can agree with, there are some other details not being mentioned like control of zoning code and outcome which I can't totally get behind.

The money and health care are very nominal, its a passion. May be hard for you to understand, since you have never worked here, which is in my book, part of the criteria for claiming "local". So get back to work, ya I am, on a multitude of levels including my day jobs.

BTW I agree Tripp is doing a great job and a very promising councilman. I have my initiatives and am working on them, thanks.

I really apologize for my arrogance, it seems to have drawn away from the unanswered question at hand re:spending money outside the city limits?

I am welcoming your platform as a place to discuss ideas, not battle it out in the comments section like a couple ol hags with their first facebook account, but Ill accept fault for my misleading arrogance. I was just trying to have some fun and maybe show you how it feels to be ridiculed ;)

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On your point of spending Ketchum taxpayer money to house non Ketchum workers. Why would that be a priority for the Council given all the other things we need in Ketchum—particularly the housing of people like you who actually do work in Ketchum. Wasn’t that the whole point of the housing action plan and the premise of the recent LOT referendum? Connelly has gone rogue. She clearly cannot be trusted to wear the two hats she wears.

I would welcome your thoughts on why her approach is better than the priotization of scarce Ketchum resources to house Ketchum essential workers.


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They are not necessarily non Ketchum workers, and we have been over the "discrimination" of adding that clause.

I can see your point on the transfer of funds from grant but think there is probably a lot of crossover between having the office shared, maybe not tho.

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Arrogance is not a good look for an elected public official!

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please inform me of my arrogance Ed?

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It's rather obvious and numerous.

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Well my objective here is two fold Ed, bring a little fun to it all, so please excuse my arrogance, it is mostly based in sarcasm, which can be lost in text.

Also I think it's funny to look in the mirror about the arrogance, as you call it, directed at other members of the community by this blog? or news station? or letters from the heart?

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I think the comments to and from Spencer will help in the long term. I do agree and Spencer and Tripp have a big opportunity to immediately instill some change which requires looking at solutions from the outside that does not have an agenda and the residents of Ketchum. Perry has pointed out very well, the lack of transparency from the city when it comes to taxpayer funded projects. This needs to change asap. I recall attending several council meetings a few years ago related to PEG. The meeting opened up with welcoming comments from residents and transparency. This was all show.

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