PSA: Last Chance to Weigh In on Ketchum’s Comp Plan Draft
August 21, 11am - 1pm, Limelight Hotel
Editor’s Note:
This one is important The Comprehensove Plan is meant to be the ten-year strategic plan for the community. It is supposed to drive land use decisions (zoning) and priorities for the allocation of scarce taxpayer resources. If you haven’t registered your input, this is the last shot before the City staff writes the plan and presents it to the City Council for adoption.
I have some objections to the process. IThe City has not run a fully inclusive process Most of the input has been from a narrow section of people. Does anyone else see the irony in the Mayor organizing door knocking campaigns to raise taxes but he suppresses public input on the city’s guiding document? This is another argument for citizens’ assemblies (see upcoming post on Aug 21).
Initially, the Mayor and his prior City Planner just wanted to take the old plan and change the dates. Fortunately, our new City Planner is a professional. But she has been hamstrung by the limits The Troika imposed on the process.
My other concern is that there is no criteria on who can have input into the plan. One would think that input would come from Ketchum citizens and taxpayers. However, a great deal of influence in city hall comes from interest groups that do not work, reside, vote or pay taxes in the City of Ketchum In my opinion, that is not only bad governance, but unethical. This how we got stuck with the nonsensical Housing Acrion Plan.
We have to play the cards as dealt We have one more opportunity to be heard. Please be there if you can,
Below is the email I received from the City:
The city is hosting the last feedback session before drafting the updated comprehensive plan! Please join us for an interactive workshop to brainstorm key policy choices related to:
community character;
housing; and
economy and tourism.
Attendees will work together in small breakout groups to evaluate potential benefits and trade-offs associated with key policy choices in each area. Input received will be used to refine the Future Land Use Plan, policies, and implementation priorities in the updated comprehensive plan and zoning regulations.
The workshop will be held on Wednesday, August 21 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Limelight Hotel. Lunch will be provided.
Due to the format, a virtual option will not be available.
Or email
I received the email your referring to on Wednesday at Fire Dept and one on the Tuesday August 20 4:00 city Hall from Abby .